Secret Wish Exotic Fragrance Body Mist is a whisper of hidden desires and subtle enchantments, blending the uplifting brightness of Bergamot and Mandarin with the delicate allure of Jasmine. The comforting warmth of Vanilla and the soft embrace of Musk add a layer of depth and mystery to the fragrance, creating a scent that's both inviting and intriguing.

Crafted with care by De Soap, this body mist is for those who carry a secret wish in their hearts, offering a fragrance that's as personal and intimate as a dream. The blend of citrus, floral, and warm notes makes Secret Wish a versatile scent, perfect for moments when you seek to add a touch of mystery and softness to your presence. With its pure essential oils, this mist is more than a fragrance—it's a gentle nudge to embrace and express the hidden facets of your individuality.

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Secret Wish Exotic Fragrance Body Mist

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